Cross section of a geophysical survey across the Fallon FORGE site

East-west MT profile MS-16 with projected well paths for 61-35, FOH-3D, 82-36, and 84-31 (west to east), see Figure 1 for the map trace of this profile. View in this profile is looking north, west to the left, and east to the right. This line runs across wells 61-36, FOH-3D, and 82-36. 84-31 is projected a short distance from the north. The local boundaries of the intersection with the FORGE site are bracketed by the green lines above the profile. Lithologic units correspond to units described in the well lithology figure above. Scale is 1:1 with no vertical exaggeration; meters are shown on vertical scale and feet on horizontal scale. Figure from Siler et al., 2016.