Facilities Overview
The GBCGE has access to the full range of geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and geodetic field equipment, and the expertise to use it.
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
General software:
- ArcGIS
- LeapFrog
- GeoSoft
- Vr mapping software by Cardinal Systems
- The Spectral Geologist
- Adobe Illustrator suite
- Visit Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Website
Nevada Seismological Laboratory
- EdgeTech Compressed High Intensity Radar Pulse (CHIRP) SubScan seismic profiler
- Portable instrument array
- Operates the Western Great Basin Seismic Network (110 real-time seismograph stations)
- Workstations and software to process seismic data
- Visit Nevada Seismological Laboratory Website
Nevada Geodetic Laboratory
- Operates the MAGNET GPS network with fixed and mobile stations throughout Nevada
- Visit Nevada Geodetic Laboratory Website

Infrared Spectroscopy Lab
Spectroscopy is the measurement of light as a function of wavelength. Rock forming minerals and their alteration products have unique spectral properties that allow us to identify them using this technique. The lab hosts bench top and field instruments for measurement of reflected and transmitted light spectroscopy from 0.4 to 25 μm. Applications include both rock and powder sample analysis for remote sensing validation, identification of minerals in drill core and cutting material, and planetary analog studies.
Instruments include:
- Thermo-Nicolet FTIR spectrometer. Reflectance and transmission from 2.0 to 25 μm.
- Agilent ExoScan Portable FTIR field spectrometer. Reflectance from 2.5 to 15 μm.
- Spectral Evolution RS-5400 Portable field spectrometer. Reflectance from 0.4 to 2.5 μm.
Two Meter Temperature Survey Equipment
- Specially outfitted ATV
- Steel probes and Resistance Temperature Devices
- Rock hammer and drill

Department of Geological Sciences & Engineering
- Nevada Stable Isotope Lab
- Center for Transformative Environmental Monitoring
- Transmitted and reflected light microscopes
- Visit Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering Website
- DGSE Lab Facilities
Desert Research Institute
- Coupled thermal, hydrologic, mechanical, and chemical modeling
- Visit Desert Research Institute